How to build your profile for Top Universities

It is really not difficult to decode what top Top universities look for. While they do mention they are looking for a holistic profile, what they really want to see is a  student who is:

  • Inquisitive
  • Go-Getter
  • Leader
  • Cognizant of his/her community

Besides academics, how do you show these? 

Students participate in all sorts of activities to explore, learn and then demonstrate. For a student who is curious about robotics, can first learn about it through reading books, taking up online courses, talking to people in the field. Then it leads to inquisitiveness about a particular topic in the field where they can take up research work to have a deeper understanding and through their lens come up with their own research. That as well gives them unbeatable knowledge in the field, which they can demonstrate in their own way- through internships, practically applying at home and sometimes even coming up with their own invention. 

Some students also start with the exploration phase where they grab different opportunities to explore their interests and hobbies. They try out different projects, competitions, activities, etc to understand where their interest really lies. They are go-getters who don’t sit and wait for an opportunity but grab and create opportunities. 

Universities also want students who are leaders- who can work in a team and also lead the team to success when required. How do you demonstrate leadership? Take up leadership roles, participate in competitions, work with different people as the experiences will teach you. It is not important as a student for you to excel every time you led a team; however, it is important for you to learn through those experiences and understand what leadership style works with different people and how you work as a leader. 

Being cognizant of your surroundings, your community makes you stand apart from others. Today, people often consider donating as a part of their service to community but think about how as a student you can contribute to the society? Take a cause that resonates closely with your heart and work on developing something to build awareness, solve their problems, etc. 

Today, it is important for students to understand how to demonstrate their learning. We at College Smart guide you from the Exploration stage to the Demonstration. Contact us now to learn more on how you can build your profile and target top universities.